Good morning, sangha. "I hope everyone here is in love" (Thich Nhat Hanh). There are two primary uses for the word cultivating : 1) to prepare ground for crops or gardening 2) to try to acquire or develop a quality, sentiment or skill (in the self or others) We might try to cultivate, for example, love, compassion, altruism, liberation, gratitude, and/or empathy in our personal gardens... along with strawberries. (thank you, dictionary) The Power of Empathy (Emma Collins) So... I'm out here in the greenhouse at 6 a.m. doing both. I'm listening to/occasionally watching a dharma talk by the Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh called "Cultivating True Love," which he began by inviting his father to join. Thay, as he is affectionately called by his sangha, is 93 years old, so his father is long dead... the idea is that our ancestors are still part of our lives. When we want to see them, he says, we need only look into the palms of our hands. We can not ...