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Showing posts from June, 2020


Today, I ventured out to the greenhouse and worked in there for about 20-30 minutes. Even with the small box window airconditioner and the ocillating fan that belonged to my mother, the heat was intense enough that I was covered in sweat in about 10 minutes. Surprisingly, I did not mind it. I felt, in fact, vigorously alive, purged, and ... well, like I was having a spiritual experience. I understood what it might be like to be in a sweat lodge except my version is a small forest of green humidity. I have been reading  My Experience in an Inipi Native American Sweat Lodge Ceremony  -- and learning. The author, Michael Chary, mentions the "bogus sweat lodge ceremony in Arizona" where people died: "A new age group outside of Sedona was running a large “sweatbox” with 50 to 60 people inside – about five times the number of people normally welcomed into a lodge. The “ceremony” took place at a for-profit resort without native sanctioning or supervision. A clear example o...